How Coogan Kornya Developed A $37K/Month Trading Forex at 19 years old

Coogan Kornya is a young entrepreneur in the field of Day Trading and Real Estate. He is still in college, studying computer science in the AI Technology and Advances branch, but he says he plans on dropping out very soon.
Coogan used to be a verified TikTok star with over 460k followers on the app. He retired from TikTok in January of 2021 to focus on his businesses and side hustles.
Could you please tell our readers a brief background about yourself and how you started your business?
My name is Coogan Kornya. I am the founder of Market Aspects, a forex trading community that is dedicated to teaching beginners the correct way of trading the forex exchange market.
Our mission is to highlight the importance of physiology and strategy while trading forex, and we do this in the simplest process.
This company is run by myself and my partner Brandon Winslow, we thought it would be a perfect idea because we both have different trading strategies and we trade in different sessions, so this way we could give the most knowledge for the price of one.
Where did the idea for Market Aspects come from?
It started when I decided to get serious about actually dropping out of college and deciding I want to be financially free in the upcoming years. I texted my friend who is now my partner, and said, “Let’s take our knowledge to the next level”.
After I said that, I explained the idea and he was all in. We spent the next month making all of our social media accounts and websites and we launched on March 1st, 2021.
Describe the process of launching the business.
I had an idea, I thought it would be best to bring my friend who brought me into forex as my partner in this project. I pitched the idea to my friend and he was 100% with me on it. We spent a whole month on the project making our social media’s and websites and then launched it on March 1st, 2021.
What are you currently doing to maintain/grow your business?
I’ve always been good at marketing, but I really don’t like the idea of ads. Ads to me just feel like a company is asking for too much and it just seems scammy to me.
My partner and I are in a bunch of Forex Groups and we post our results there and people dm us questions and we answer their questions and then we pitch the idea to ask them if they were interested in joining our free telegram and discord group.
What social media platforms do you usually use to increase your brand’s awareness and why?
We use most platforms, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tiktok, and Discord. These platforms all have different audiences and they are the main access points to the internet.
What is your main tactic when it comes to making more people aware of your brand and engaging your customers? How did your business stand out?
We want people to realize that knowledge is power. We preach that you can do anything that you put your mind to. We want people to understand that just because they in our channels and chats, doesn’t mean that we are superior to them. At the end of the day, we all are destined for success, it just sometimes takes longer for others depending on their situations.
Our business stands out in many ways, We do homemade adveriting and we want people to join us because they see our results, not because they saw an ad that says, “Let’s get rich quick”. This is not what forex is, it’s all about compounding and building your empire.
Where can our readers keep up-to-date with you?
I am very active on all my social media, keeping everyone updated with my lifestyle and business. You can follow my Instagram @Coogancoogan and subscribe to my Snapchat, my username is coogan.kornya. You can also follow @MarketAspectsfx on all socials to keep updated with the community.