Interview with Noah Swiderski, Founder of Briton Media LLC

So great to meet you! Your story is very very impressive especially being as young as you are. Please tell us a little about yourself and what got you started.
My name is Noah B. Swiderski and I’m the Owner and Founder of Briton Media LLC, the leader in podcast solutions dedicated to connecting Podcasters to the resources they need to excel their Podcasts.
These resources include Podcast Editing, Podcast Marketing, and Content Creation.
I first noticed my love for business early on in my life when I built a website selling football cards in middle school. (2005) Fast forward to college, I often found myself building side businesses in my dorm for extra money.
This included producing beats for local music artists in the area and using the money to reinvest into another business. My marketing and economics professors saw what I was doing in the e-commerce space and gave me feedback that I would soon be “supersonically successful”.
What were the biggest challenges you have faced and how did you overcome them?
Growing up I was confident I had something in me that was special, and that I could use to build something big to help people. The hardest challenge I had was getting rid of the people that weren’t great for my success.
I used to associate with people who would waste time, spend money, and talk about the same things that wouldn’t be productive and help them expand and be successful. I’m someone who is always finding new ways to grow, new ways to be more efficient. I think that was the game-changer for myself and my business was finding the right mentor, and people to surround myself with.
What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your career?
I wish someone told me at the beginning that it would take months and years before you would see the success. If you just tough it out as hard as that may be in the moment and fall in love with the hard work. The work others don’t like. You will be successful. You will get anywhere you want in life if you just don’t give up.
And relentlessly push for your dreams every day. There were times in life I didn’t have it figured out, I worked at CVS pharmacy, I was broke, I spent the only money I had on partying at clubs. I would be physically, mentally, and financially drained. If you just use that obsession, and gift you have. You will find the right vehicle and truly change your life.
What do you see as your greatest success in life?
The greatest success in my life is graduating from Southern New Hampshire University and starting my LLC.
What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?
A typical day for me looks like following up on scheduled calls for potential clients and working on Podcast sessions for clients. I make it productive by setting up my day the night before by writing what I need to get done in my notes app on my phone. (Got this idea from my girlfriend India).
How do you bring ideas to life?
I bring ideas to life by putting my energy and confidence behind them. I truly feel like I can bring any idea to life and have crowded around it just by believing in it fully. That’s what I do with Briton Media LLC!
What’s one trend that excites you?
78% of Americans are Now Familiar with Podcasting This is approximately 222 million people and an increase of 10 million in one year — a 4.72% increase. That is HUGE for us!
What is one habit of yours that makes you more productive as an entrepreneur?
I get things done even if it’s late at night and I have a million other things to do, I think that one habit has generated so much success for me. Just putting in the work longer than anyone, I find myself getting closer to where I want to be.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell myself to cut all the bad friends off, get a mentor, find the right vehicle to use that special gift in me that works harder than everyone. I would also tell myself that the girls you are dating don’t see the vision you see, and to focus on yourself.
Tell us something that’s true that almost nobody agrees with you on.
The Colts are the best team in the NFL and going to win multiple super bowls. (Living in New England) Almost nobody agrees with that statement given their rivalry.
As an entrepreneur, what is the one thing you do over and over and recommend everyone else do?
I recommend reading! I never used to read, until recently and I’ve learned so much not only about business but other things that help me be a better business owner. Currently reading “Good to Great” by Jim Collins.
What is one strategy that has helped you grow your business? Please explain how.
I know exactly what I offer, I’m confident we deliver the highest quality services/products for Podcasters, and I know where to find and market to the ideal clients that we want to have. Know what you offer, know who you want to do business with you, and know where to find where they are.
Use relevant hashtags to find your ideal client, find the accounts they follow, think like your ideal client. Put yourself in their shoes, this helps you market to them to perfection.
What is one failure you had as an entrepreneur, and how did you overcome it?
There are many that I have had, however the biggest one I think was not believing in myself and not being confident. That comes with time, and many small wins to get to the point where business chases me. Now I get the opportunity to accept or turn down business that I don’t feel like is helping us grow.
What is one business idea that you’re willing to give away to our readers? (this should be an actual idea for a business, not business advice)
This one is easy; I would suggest listeners to start selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace that you don’t use or don’t need. This can include literally anything, football cards, couches, TVs, anything! And stack that money and invest it. Either in stocks or a business/asset to grow more money.
What is the best $100 you recently spent? What and why? (personal or professional)
The best 100 dollars I recently spent was on a pedicure, it’s great to give back to yourself. To re-invest it back into yourself allows you to grow faster and feel better about yourself.